The Ladies of Courtesan School

"Well-behaved women rarely make history."
-- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Those listed here are those who choose to "go public," as it were. Either we're allergic to censoring ourselves, we like the attention, or we just don't much care who stumbles across this website (though if you could please not be a crazy person requesting our services as courtesans, that'd be excellent). We do not demand that any of our members reveal themselves, and have edited all relevant text to ensure their privacy. While we value highly a sense of community and outreach to others with like views, we recognize and respect that some prefer not to live their lives on display.

Anna/Adsartha is a woman who wears many hats, as well as a writer and craftswoman living in the Midwest. She is certainly not what you would call your average woman, and tends to revel in this. (She recommends, however, that you not attempt to define her by her labels, as she is quite proud of her talent with Cheek and frying pans.) She is engaged to a wonderful man, and works on preventing wedding stress to whatever degree she can. She lives with him, their insane cat, and the voices in her head.

Her job has varied widely since leaving college, but she is currently taking the path of self-employment through writing, editing, and crafts. She is published at and the leading editor of TTP, a gaming community. In her laughingly so-called spare time, she plays violin, has been known to play several other instruments and sing, enjoys cooking, and traipses off into other worlds on a regular basis.

Jaguar may be old enough to know better, but she considers herself young enough to get away with it. She lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina, taking care of her family of two cats, her young man, an aunt, and an Elf Lord. She works in a family-owned and operated handcrafts supply store delivering its bounty to the masses, and has at one point or another dabbled in all of the crafts, herself.

She is also a writer of some small talent and great determination, and has been published in several small-press magazines and anthologies. In the future, her novels will appear on endcaps in bookstores throughout the United States. She also entertains herself by indulging in fits of dancing and penny-whistle playing, and has been known to disappear into the woods for days at a time. In her spare time she paints miniatures and learns languages that she does not yet speak. She is not allowed to study anything else until she has mastered the six she already knows.

Kiki/Kikibug13 comes from an entirely different neck of the woods. So different, in fact, that she didn't learn to speak English as her first language. She also comes from a family of actors (okay, no, her biological father used to be a submarine navigator and was last heard from as employed by a large, three-letter-name software company; but her mother and stepfather and baby brother all earn their pay on a stage), but works as a software tester / quality control, with a second job of a translator to and from English (as well as, very occasionally, Russian and French).

She never dreamed of becoming a published author (not even for the random bursts of poetry that started coming up when she was three), still dreams of becoming an astronaut, and in the meanwhile is trying to not create for herself too much bad karma.