Fan Fiction (The Covenant)

++ General Stories that belong to no overall timeline or alternate universe.

++ Chase's Descent

++ The Tarot Series Chase wills his power to Reid, destroying himself and his bloodline and conferring all his powers unto arguably the most fragile of his enemies.


(The Covenant; Chase; 498 words; October 2006)

Drinking Buddies
(The Covenant; Chase, Caleb; 1,110 words; December 2007)

Coping Mechanisms
(The Covenant; Pogue/Aaron; 1,944; October 2007)

Prodigal Son
(The Covenant; Chase, Caleb; 1,789 words; September 2007)

(The Covenant; Caleb, Pogue, Tyler, Reid, Cedric Diggory; 967 words; December 2006)

Boy Land
(The Covenant; Aaron, Caleb, Tyler; 2,083 words; March 2010)
Warning: Homophobia; written for the dark_fest community on LiveJournal

Chase's Descent Series

(The Covenant; Chase; 429; October 2007)

Alien Nation
(The Covenant; Chase; 3,000 words; January 2007)

The Wheel
(The Covenant; Chase; 5,400 words; Fall/Winter 2006)

Wrack and Ruin
(The Covenant; Chase/Caleb, Pogue; 2,000 words; October 2006)
Warning: Non-consensual sex and violence

Hold the Line
(The Covenant; Pogue, Caleb; 1,500 words; November 2006)

Lully Lullay
(The Covenant; Caleb/Reid; 2,048 words; April 2007)

Tarot Series

Knight of Swords
(The Covenant; Reid, Chase; 1,377 words; January 2007)

Ten of Swords
(The Covenant; Reid, Pogue, Caleb, Tyler, Evelyn; 2,003 words; January 2007)

King of Wands
(The Covenant; Reid, Caleb; 2,600 words; January 2007)